January 29, 2009


I just can't believe that you're gone
I thought that I've known so well
I feel like I've known you my whole life
In fact, I known little about you
So little that I can't even remember all the days we had
So short that it's so hard for me to recall all the memories
Yet, I'm so glad that I had you in my life
So glad that you've become an important part in my life
So glad that half of me is yours

You might be gone for now
You might not be here by my side
But I know that you'll always be there for me
Watching me from afar
Watching every step that I take
Watching me to grow old day by day
Watching me how some of your personalities are inside of me
Though you might not be here with me
I'll always love you
Loving you as high as the sky above
Loving you as deep as the ocean below
My love for you will never end

I know for sure that I'll see you again someday
Reconciling with abundance of joy and love
And the tears of happiness
Seeing you again is one of the highest dream I would like to achieve
I'll come running and hug you with all my strength
I will say how much I love you
I will say how much I miss you
I will say how much I need you

They might have taken away the plans we made
They might have taken away the music we never play
They might have taken away the places we said we will go
They might have taken the future that we'll never know
Yet, I should always be thankful for everyday
And I would always hold YESTERDAY in my heart...

Masalah & Perkara

Cape deh. Masalah tuh kayaknya gak pernah ada abisnya deh.
Blom yang satu selesai, udah ada lagi masalah yang lain.
Dan lebih kerennya lagi, masalah itu tambah lama yang dateng tambah rumit lho.
Cape gak sih?

Tapi yah, menurut gw, hidup itu bakalan lebih berwarna kalo ada masalah.
Emang sih saat waktu masalah itu lagi dateng, kayaknya hidup itu nyebelin banget.
Lo bakalan berasa kalo Tuhan gak adil sama lo.
Bakalan ada banyak air mata, rasa marah, derita, kecewa, cemburu, gelisah, dan rasa benci.
Tapi justru dari masalah2 itu, hidup gak bakalan basi.
Serasa lebih banyak warnanya.
Nanti abis masalah itu selesai, lo bakalan bisa ketawa pas lagi inget2 sama masalah lo yang dulu.
Dari masalah itu juga, lo bakalan bisa belajar untuk menjadi lebih dewasa.
Tambah pengalaman hidup. Kalo kata orang tua, jadi tambah banyak makan garam dunia.
Caelaaaahh! Gaya abis!

Masalah masalah masalah. Kenapa sih kok lo gak pernah berenti dateng?
Seneng banget yah sama kita2??
Gak punya temen di dunia lo sendiri?
Cape deh sama lo!
Kalo lo visible, bisa kali gw injek2 pukul2 cubit2 gigit2 sekalian!
Tapi, mau juga ah bilang terima kasih sama lo.
Kalo gak ada lo, mungkin hidup gw bakalan gitu2 aja.
Gak ada gairah gitu kalo bahasa kerennya!

Selama gue masih bisa bernafas, pasti lo bakal dengan setia datang berkunjung.
Dan sebisa mungkin, gue bakal selalu menyapa lo dengan hangat.
Karena dengan adanya lo dalam kehidupan gue, gue bisa lebih mengerti banyak tentang kehidupan.
Lebih bisa mengerti untuk siapa gue hidup.
Lebih bisa mengerti untuk apa gue hidup.

January 4, 2009

Aiming for the vertex!

It's just the third day of the year, yet already got a lot of things to think about.
Since a few days before the end of the year, my patient was really being tested.
I don't think I'm mature enough because I still can't control my anger.
Hearing all those words repeatedly, it made me think about who I used to be.
It's true that I'm changing.
I though I was changing into a better person.
Yet, I'm changing into the other side.

Who am I?
Come to think about it, I really miss the OLD me.
I'm not talking about my spiritual life here.
I'm talking about my character when I was younger.
I used to be a very obedient girl.
Didn't know all those branded things.
I lived simple. Thought simply.

I miss that OLD me.
Now in this new year, I am aiming for that old characters of me..
Aiming for another vertex of my life..
The vertex that just simply PURE and SIMPLE..

I want to go back HOME..