hErE is why i love it soooo much....
yesterday, when i was listening to music, it suddenly broke down!
i was so shocked. i thought it's going to be dead FOREVER!
the same kind of broke down happened to my iPod before,
and it never turn back on again...
i was so frustrated that moment. don't know what to do besides taking off the battery.
but it seems to be no effect at the moment.
so, i just left it charging while i went to school.
yet, miracle happened! *thank you Lord!! love U so much!!*
after i got back home after classes, i took off the battery for one more time,
and try to turn it on!
miraculously, it did turn back ON!!
tEnkyU tenKyu tenkYu LoRd!!
and i also love you, my PrEciOus aNciEnT iBoOk G4!
will always love you and will always treasure you, even after the new one has come ^^
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