I really want to sleep.. But I just can't!
Everytime I tried to close my eyes and want to set my soul free to fly, I always FAILED!
I need sleep! It was one of the most important things in my life before!
I used to need at least 8 hours of sleep everyday..
Yet, I can stay awake for more than 35 hours straight!
How could it be?? >_<
Hate it! Hate it! Hate it!
*Maybe I should drink a sleeping pill ;p*

Anyway, I'm 21 now!! I'm LEGAL!! Yeayyyyy!!
So excited! Well, not that excited actually..
Time to grow, time to be more mature, time to get serious!
Less time goofing around. And bare more responsibilities!
Wohoooo!! The time has comeee to grow olddddddd *sighhh*
Let's just enjoy the journey! And live to the fullest!
I will not worry cause He's walking beside me ^^
I know I'll be GOOD in His hands..
Love U..
1 comment:
huuu, gw jg susah tidur. masa gw hrs tidur2an 2 jam sebelum akhirnya tidur beneran. what a total waste of time! ;P
gw jg link elu ya... <3
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